ATI Radeon 9700-9800 Pro Minimize Problem
Both of my 9700 Pro and my 9800 Pro cards have had this same problem. When i minimize an application (mostly games) and then i maximize the game's picture is all screwed up, pixellated and off color. Games ive had problems with are Counter Strike, Planetside, Lineage2, Unreal 2004, etc. I can usually minimize CS ONCE and maximize it, but then if i do it again for some reason it messes up... weird? I dunno if this is a common problem or not... a lot of people on mIRC said they have had this problem with their radeon cards too... If anyone knows of any drivers or tuning i could do on my settings PLEASE reply, ill be trolling here and im also in #arseNic on the Gamesurege network of IRC. Thanks.