Don't allow attachments?
I was just posting a reply and went to attach a pic and didn't see anything where I could attach a pic. Does Icrontic not allow attachments any more or am I just blind?
I eagerly await input from the Forum Gods! :loco:
I eagerly await input from the Forum Gods! :loco:
Don't you have this options if you scroll down when you type a message or creating a thread?
same here - no attachment option.
meanwhile, you might want to avail yourself of this free hosting site.
het citrix why is it that only staff can post attachments?
/me hits citrix up on msn
thought you guys were just limiting "space".
Citrixs ears must be burning! lol mxgrgjcgkdkdkgrr 5K attachment size. hehehehe
no but seriously, im working with aranyic to get this problem solved asap.
im sorry everyone
EDIT: Yes, no problems with that pic, which is 31.2k.
sure thing, Hawk
thanks guys!
THANKS Aranyic and Citrixmeta!!!!!
and that.