VPU Recover in Call of Duty
Well, it seems I'm having some slight troubles with my vid card. In Call of Duty, the card boots me out using the ATI VPU recover, goes to desktop and asks to send the lovely error report. It did this between missions on the Allied campaign (Start of the level where you drive the French tin can through enemy lines) and it was more serious then (Even causing the machine to reboot by itself) got past that by running in safe mode till the level loaded and ran, and never had another problem. It just did it in MP though, so now I'm worried.
Could this be an overheating problem, or just a general game problem? CAT and soundstorm problem? This doesn't seem to happen in anything else. Stats-
Flashed 9800np-pro
AMD 3000+
200 FSB
Mushkin 512
Shuttle FN45
Cat 3.9
Soundstorm 3.13
Could this be an overheating problem, or just a general game problem? CAT and soundstorm problem? This doesn't seem to happen in anything else. Stats-
Flashed 9800np-pro
AMD 3000+
200 FSB
Mushkin 512
Shuttle FN45
Cat 3.9
Soundstorm 3.13