copying xp cd to a partition/having option on bootup to install form partition?

edited July 2004 in Science & Tech
hey guys, i remmeber seeing a way to do this on this forum or another forum, but i've searched "boot" and "partition" as well as in yahoo, but i found all the wrogn things.

anyways, this is what i want to do: i keep having to format/reinstall windows or whatever pretty often (lol) and u know how the xp cd loads all the suff @ the beginning when you put it in. well, i figured it would load those files and install XP alot quicker if i put winxp cd on a partition i made (800 megs).

so: i got this far (lol)...edited boot.ini and pointed to partition..i used the same layout (multi(0) whatever) as my os just with the diff partition. but i don't know how to make it so it "boots" form the partition. i was reading a microsoft article at their site about the layout/format etc but it didn't seem to work..o wasn't relevant to what i wanted. so to sum uP:

how do i copy winxp CD to a partition and have as an option when booting, to load form the winxp cd partition (just like the cd, only alot faster)??



  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2004
    The only way I can think of doing it is two put it on a seperate drive and make that drive the boot drive so it boots that cd image. Then install it onto your target drive and then switch which drive is the primary. Anyway you cut it though it seems like a huge pain in the ass. How often are you needing to re-install your OS for this kind of minor speed savings?
  • edited July 2004
    Win98 startup disc? Run the .exe from there?
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