Dedicated Game Server
Citrixmeta has been kind enough to let us use his bandwidth for a dedicated game server. in the future we might expand on some other games, but as of right now, we are just gonna play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. its free, standalone, and pretty badass (if you havent played it yet). In any event, the ip is, anyway, its up and running, but we are still testing and what not to ensure there aren't any lag issues and such.
anyway, if any folks want to join in, you are welcome. in the future (in order to not constantly tie up citrix's bandwidth :fu: ) we will prolly just schedule times when everyone can get together and play (omg! wolfET at 8pm CST on saturday night!!) or something of that sort.
anyway, we would love to have any other folks that want to play.
here are the relavant links:
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Client
linux client if you so desire:
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 1.02 patch
and the current server to connect to is
good luck and if you have any questions, post em in here!!!
anyway, if any folks want to join in, you are welcome. in the future (in order to not constantly tie up citrix's bandwidth :fu: ) we will prolly just schedule times when everyone can get together and play (omg! wolfET at 8pm CST on saturday night!!) or something of that sort.
anyway, we would love to have any other folks that want to play.
here are the relavant links:
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Client
linux client if you so desire:
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 1.02 patch
and the current server to connect to is
good luck and if you have any questions, post em in here!!!
lets set something up for tonight... around 10:00pm EST ok for everyone?
yeah, some of us are playing right now if some folks wanna hop in once the server is done rebooting. yes?
lilbro and kryyst, i see you guys on the forums, now get in here!!!1
Well I tried at 2:30AM Central time. No one in as I guessed. I couldn't pick a team though, I pressed L and clicked a flag, I guess I can't pick a team unless atleast 2 people are there?
on my way!
Thats the dedicated server citrix has setup.
Hey Citrix, why did you pick this game over UT2K4 (demo), does UT2K4 take too much bandwidth up or something?
Otherwise I am going to vote for 7:30 PM / 19:30 EST for Monday July 12 (today). Anyone second that or have any conflicts?
Gnome, is the backup that bad? I got the game to work on my "Old Crap" machine, just a tiny laggy at the high settings.
i challenged a few people from Short Media
everyone try to make it, it should be fun
Oh, no! Is this going to be an IC vs. SM thing? If so, I'm sorry but I'll have to be on the SM team. Hehe.
Yeah, 8pm tonight is better than 7:30. Everyone down with 8pm EST?
Whatever happens tonight (whether SM ppl come or what-not), I'm looking forward to massively pwning you again, Citrix
darn, and I was trying to be unique.
also, i think the new server to connect to is (citrix, verify that it is all good to go? )