Looking to get a new chip/mobo
Im looking ointo get a p4/celeron setup. MY budget is no more then 200$ I was wondering what mother board and cpu to get. My goal is to get to 3ghz or better. I noticed on pricewatch that u can get a celeron 2.8ghz for around 86$ but im not sure about how well that will oc if at all.. remember im looking for the cheapest cpu that will allow me to hit 3ghz by overclocking.
DO NOT buy a celeron, no matter how many ghz they do. A 1.6 P4 stock still beats a 3ghz celeron.
Get a P4 2.4C 800 fsb and either Abit's cheapest 875 chipset solution or the Asus.
If you can't afford it now, wait until you can. You should be able to get those parts on Ebay.
Hey, Amish Daddy!
Your sig is Teh sH!ts! I like it!!
Firearms is teh shitzz. Also, I just overclocked an athalon xp 2200+ thoroughbred to 2.43, and I was wondering, is 140 a safe temprature?
Nice OC BTW!!
How so? The cache really makes that much difference?
Yes, and the micron size, along with the die size. Celerons just suck. Durons are AMD's budget processor, but the duron is a bad-ass processor.