why is it computers are so powerful
Hi why is it computers in cars are so powerful than PC like computers
in car has CPU and storage but no RAM,hard-drive floppy -drive,CD,DVD
no monitor or kayboard and you can't play games or do work but the
cars computer so powerful and expansive and is like $15,000 and up
why is it like that.
in car has CPU and storage but no RAM,hard-drive floppy -drive,CD,DVD
no monitor or kayboard and you can't play games or do work but the
cars computer so powerful and expansive and is like $15,000 and up
why is it like that.
computer and electronics.
There way man get card 5000 now !!
In 50's and 60's you not have all computer and electronics in cars
my grandpappy used to always say that candy bars used to only be a nickel, but i didnt believe him. but that proves it, shoot, what do i know?!!1
Inflation is the reason not computers.
What bad about it ??
Ah colossus, now if you owned a pc that size you really could look at it as a worthy extension to your manhood. It would be l337 as hell.