PCI cards won't work after AGP video card install

edited August 2004 in Hardware
I have an Abit KT7A mobo that has been running an ATI PCI video card with 3 other PCI cards (modem, NIC, sound) and has been running fine. I have upgraded the video card to a Radeon 9600se AGP card. The system boots and WinXP Pro recognizes the AGP vid card. None of the PCI cards work though. Either WinXP indicates the PCI card is not functioning properly(as in the NIC) or as in the case of the modem, it shows up in device manager as ok but does not work when I try to use it. The PCI video card I removed was in the slot next to the AGP slot and is now empty....all the other cards are down the line from it.
Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this? Could this be a setting in the BIOS (Softmenu III) that needs to be changed ?


  • edited August 2004
    Well it definately sounds like an IRQ problem. A lot of motherboards share slots in a sense with IRQ's, if that makes sense, I might be saying it wrong. So in essence, possibly when you installed your AGP card, your mobo is trying to use the same IRQ as something in a PCI slot.

    First thing I would try, is looking in your motherboard manual to see if that is the case and it IS sharing a slot. If it is, simply move your PCI card out of the shared slot into another slot.

    Second if you haven't already, go into your BIOS and disable anything that you aren't using, as this will usually free up some IRQ's.

    That's all I can think of right now, it definately sounds like an IRQ conflict though. IF nothing above helps any, what I would try is pulling all your PCI cards out, and slipping them in 1 at a time and testing. Chances are you will hit a point where you insert one into a certain slot and it will stop them from working. Then you know what is the "shared" or problem slot.
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