Windows XP Reinstall

taestelltaestell USA
edited August 2004 in Science & Tech
I am modernizing an old Windows box for a friend, and my original plan was to completely reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows XP. I tried several things and still could not reformat the C: partition, so I reformatted the D: partition and installed Windows XP there. Now, even when I'm running the D: drive copy of Windows, I can not reformat the C: drive, because it says that programs are still running from the C: drive.

How do I reformat the C: drive if it always says that programs are running from the C: drive?


  • edited August 2004
    From what is sounds like you are trying to format the C: drive in windows. Why not boot the xp disk and format the drive before the install, or have you tried this already with no luck?
  • taestelltaestell USA
    edited August 2004
    When I tried that, it said that the Windows Setup temporary files were on the C: drive, and therefore it could not be reformatted. However, I haven't tried this since I installed Windows on the D: drive, so I will try that ASAP.
  • edited August 2004
    Have you tried that yet?
  • taestelltaestell USA
    edited August 2004
    I just did this and it worked very well. Thanks a lot. :)
  • edited August 2004
    Your Welcome
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