Mobo/video problems

matpohmatpoh Iowa, USA
edited August 2004 in Hardware
I have a machine that I am pulling my hair out over. It was a machine I used during the school year for simple word processing and such. I took a couple parts out over the summer to use to test another machine, and when I put them back, I get no video signal and no post. I thought it might be the processor, so I tried it in another machine and it still works.

The mb I was using had onboard video so I tried an agp and pci video cards and still no video signal. I thought maybe I had fried the board and bought a new one. Same thing. I did some reading and the mb I bought had serious problems with the Thunderbird/Duron processors.

I bought an XP2000 to stick in it and no luck. I have tried about 5 different sticks of memory and 3 power supplies. All fans spin up but no video signal at all.

All I have installed is video card and ram. I have no ide cables or drives connected.

I tried it out of the case (thinking maybe a short) and still no luck. I have a bunch of parts around and also tried a PIII-450 mb/cpu and it worked out of the case. I re-tested a bunch of ram and all 4 video cards I have been trying. All tested ok on the PIII system out of the case.

So far, here are some parts/specs I have tried.

3 Motherboards....Asus A7s266, FIC AZ31, ECS K7S5A-Pro
3 Processors....T-bird 1.1ghz, Duron 750, XP2000
About 15 sticks of ram from 64-256mb
3 Power supplies....235w, 250w, and Allied 350 amd approved ps.
3 agp video cards
1 pci video

Any suggestions?


  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited August 2004
    if your board has onboard video then it will automaticly go to onboard video, you have to tell your mboard that it needs to use agp/pci instead.
  • matpohmatpoh Iowa, USA
    edited August 2004
    For the boards that have onboard video, I have tried that as well. Still no signal.
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited August 2004
    have u tried mutiple monitors? your monitor might be bad too.
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