For the really computer savy

Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
edited August 2004 in Hardware
My new build has a MSI K8N Neo Platinum, 9800 pro vid card
Two sata hard drives in raid 0, (os resides here)
One HD for back ups (ide)
One sony DVD-RW (ide)
One DVD-Rom (ide)
One LS-120 (ide)

Question 1)
What is the best ribbon cable configuration for the ide drives?
example: DVD-RW as master and LS-120 as slave on ide 1 and DVD-Rom as master and HD as slave on ide2.

Question 2)
Is the sound on a nForce 3 as good, worse or better than a sound blaster live 5.1?

Question 3)
When loading windows xp would it be best to load with only the vid card, sata drives, LS-120 and dvd-Rom and add the other drives later?

Question 4)
Is there a good walkthrough somewhere specifically for this motherboard like (Pauls FAQ's for the KT7A-Raid)


  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    link the 2 dvds

    Go with onboard sound unless you have and audigy2 there is no reason to mess with creative

    wont matter windows xp will install fine

    I have no clue
  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    I'm no expert, but what do ya want to know about that mobo? cuz i have one! ;)
  • edited August 2004
    Its a very classy mobo, if I were you I'd go for Serial ATA converters for your Hard Drives and use the SATA ports. The tiny cable are more than worth it, and speed wont change at all from using the other cables.

    Once you have your drives on the SATA then you can use the IDE ports for whatever.
    I personally put my fastest devices on as master and then the slower device on as a slave. Thats if I really have to have them both sitting on the one cable.
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited August 2004
    Zuntar wrote:
    I'm no expert, but what do ya want to know about that mobo? cuz i have one! ;)

    Is there a good tutorial some where ?
  • ramdexramdex Tucson
    edited August 2004
    I dont have much expierience with newer onboard audio and I have an Audigy 2 but I really never liked onboard audio it when it it becane an itegrated component. It has improved though since but i Still here complaint time and again. Mostly from intel boards, I would listen to it first and if it doesnt work well buy a seperate sound card. If you do remember to dissable onboard audio in bios (ussually).
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