Geforce 4 Ti 4800 problem...I think
So I bought a Geforce 4 Ti 4800 SE 8x back in January, and from day 1 it had a texturing error, where it scrambled textures. I finally got around to sending it back for maintenance about a week ago and Chaintech (the manufacturer) returned it to me a few days ago. I also just bought a 200gb hard-drive and 512mb of RAM. So I put everything in and now I have a new problem - whenever I watch a movie of any sort, it restarts. It's not always instant, I can get through half a movie sometimes, but it most always ends in restarting. I am guessing this is a videocard glitch, but could it be my new RAM? The restarts seem to come quicker the more stuff that is happening (i.e.: I was burning a CD, copying files to my new hard-drive, watching a movie and running some torrents, and it restarted in about 2 minutes). Also I recently installed the K-Lite Mega codec pack...could it be that? I do have the newest drivers from Nvidia. Any suggestions from you guys would be great, I would feel weird JUST getting my card back and then having to send it back immediately. Thanks.
Then start by adding 1 component at a time.
There are several possiblities but unless you start dealing with this systimatically you will never know
just my 2 cesnts worth...
The 5700 is drawing more power then the Chaintech so if it is your PSU that would explain the reboots.