memory for oc 2500

SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
edited August 2004 in Hardware
im going to be buying an amd xp 2500+ and i wanna oc to the max w/ air cooling. im going to be getting an all copper heatsink(thermaltake), and i was wondering what kind of pc3200 would be the best value. i have an epox 8rda3+, geforce4 mx 440 se 128mb, maxtor 60gb hd, 2 thermaltake fans and one antec fan, average sys temp is 30c, 350w just pc psu. i was think about going 512mb corsiar xms(one of the cheaper sticks), but i was wondering if there was a better stick out there.


  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    mushkin is always good, geil was always a good "budget" OCer.

    but if u can get corsair, i say go for it! :D
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited August 2004
    thx alot, i was think about getting this stick
    it looks like a good stick, corsair :D and at a good price
  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Cas Latency: 2-3-3-6 1T

    LOOKS GOOD!!! :D
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    good stuff!
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited August 2004
    ok, now i got my 2500(a new one so not unlocked :() and ordering the ram as soon as i get the money. i was wondering if i should oc my geforce mx 440 se 128mb ddr 333. my board comes with a windows utitlity for oc my agp w/o oc my pci. should i just increase my agp speed to about 73mhz? right now im still running off the retail heatsink on the gpu.
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