Microsoft Word Question
Sorry for bothering you guys so much with this trivial word processing stuff. I was wondering why Microsoft Word 2000 can't save a document to my D cdrw drive. When I try and save it to D it opens a window and says that D is listed as a read only drive. The funny thing is that I can save a document in Word Pad to D. I do a lot of writing and I have to save documents to cd's, not floppy's. Thank You in Advance!
One possible reason that you may not be able to is because word works with temporary files so every time you open a dock you are actually working on a copy of that doc. It then through the process is saving those temp files until it does it's final write at save where it copies your current work to the original. It could be just the way it works with the temp files that is causing the issue.
much obliged, i was getting hungry.