Updates and viruses

I get windows loaded with my raid drivers and video drivers. I get my hardware installed (dial-up modem) and load the drivers for it. I install directx and service pack1 from microsoft's free CD. I load isp software and symantic systemworks pro (anti-virus included). Now the trouble begins, when I try use windows update I get viruses. So I get pissed and format everything because I want to start out on a good foundation (if you know what i mean). Reload everything but this time before I try to access windows update I decide to first update my virus definations thinking this would help. Well guess what, while updating the virus definations I get sasser virus! How can I get everthing loaded and updated without getting these stupid viruses?
Now how or where is the virus being detected as you shouldn't be picking it up from going to either norton's or M$'s site. If however you are setting up your email or bringing in docs or anything like that, that would be another source of it.
There is something else to this equation you are neglecting as if you are doing what you are saying you shouldn't be getting any viruses.
I recently worked on a machine, and after a format, I had Blaster, Sasser, and a few others viruses/trojans within a matter of 10 minutes while trying to get everything updated.
Can,t get behind a router because I have dial-up. I will try to turn on windows firewall, I thought that service pack 1 already turned that on but I will check.
Kryyst, everything is 100% legit, no copys just the good stuff.
The internet is a dirty place these days... And I'm not talking about the porn either...
Can you turn on Windows firewall with dialup? Heh. I haven't used dialup in so long, that I've never had a chance to try with XP.
But, definitely, you need some sort of firewall before accessing the net.