I have something to sell!

NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
edited August 2004 in Hardware
Well... I'm planning on getting new RAM but my dad doesn't really understand why I need it. He wants to know if I could sell my old RAM...

I would like to sell my 2 sticks of Corsair XMS PC3500C2PT 256Mb. They're in full working order. I don't quite remember how much I paid for the 2 sticks but I've heard these sticks used the BH5 chips and are good sticks of memory. Unfortunately for me I can't buy 2 more identical sticks (they aren't made anymore because PC3200 is more mainstreme I guess) to equal a gig and I really would like a gig of ram so I'm going to sell these and purchase a 1Gb kit. (PC3200XLPRO kit to be exact - I thought my dad ordered it last week but he didn't cuz he found that there was already an account at the site and he'd never ordered there before)

So if you know anyone that is looking for some good PC3500 ram, I have some and I need to be able to sell it so I can get my new ram. I'm thinkin $140 for the pair (I'm thinkin' I spent around $170 for them new at Newegg, but I'm not 100% on that) but I'm sure I could negotiate ;)


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