Ga-7n400 Pro 2 Bios

edited March 2005 in Hardware
Anyone know if theres a bios to under clock the vcore voltage? Gigabyte in their wisdom default the voltage at 3.3 which in turn pushes the temps up a lot (approx 10-15c) more than any other board ive used. If there isnt is it possible someone could create one please. I'm using the latest bios vers. at the moment which is FH with an xp 2800 (not barton) and the temps are driving me nuts especially whilst trying to play games the pc either freezes or reboots.

So please can someone help out thanks

edit: forgot to say the board is REV. 2.0


  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited September 2004
    if your xp 2800 isn't a barton core, than what is it? unless you have a sempron processor witch wouldn't be an xp becuase semprons aren't called xp. xp is used to label the athlon xp's.
  • edited September 2004
    its the thoroughbred version which runs at 2.25 gig where as the barton runs at 1.9 gig
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited September 2004
    k thats what i needed to know. and what are your exact temps? all you said is that is goes up 10-15c
  • edited September 2004
    When i used my Kt4 ultra the temps never went above 32c at the moment my system temp is 28c and the cpu is 48c on idle. when i try to run a game the temps soar well above 60c and either freeze the pc or it reboots itself. The temps in the bios on boot is around 60c i have reseated the heatsink and fan several times ensuring that the arctic silver isnt smeared too thickly or to thinly. The memory comes out fine on mem testing and its a fresh install of xp with sp1 running as sp2 caused probs. I have a fan intake on the front with a fan on the side as well as a fan extracting at the back as you can see the system temps are fine at 28c. This board is only 2 weeks old and im getting to the stage of putting hammer through the piece of crap.

    I have the chance of an Abit AT7 MAX 2 i know its older technology but it has what i need as in agp8, IDE raid, 333 support would this be a better board and would i be likely to suffer any probs. From looking at some reviews and forums there doesnt seem to be any major issues.
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited September 2004
    one more question, have you used this processor in another board? and if you have and its worked fine then it's probly an motherboard problem. if you havn't used it in another board then i would suggest getting an all copper heatsink(that's if this one isn't already all copper). also, if you had no problems before you installed sp2 then just don't install sp2 on your machine. your computer will still be safe even if you don't have sp2 installed. if that dosn't work then go with your abit board.
  • edited September 2004
    Yep the cpu was fine in the Msi kt4 ultra so the cpu isnt the problem. i tried several hsf including a copper one with a Delta fan on but finally settled on the aerocool 7 which gave the best cooling result. As for sp2 i dont install it i just install sp1 with all the updates.
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited September 2004
    do you have the latest bios flashed?
  • edited September 2004
    yep im running bios FH which is the latest official bios
  • edited February 2005
    Hey I wrote gigabyte an email about this and was told that the temperature in the bios is returned by the cpu and is not measured by a temp monitor. I used to be a tech at a retail store and found that the only way to get the temp down was to install a volcano 12 or similar. The Mobo actually overvolts the cpu to 1.71 volts instead of 1.65
  • edited March 2005
    LOL well im glad i got rid of the POS i will never try gigabyte stuff again after that experience the at7-max2 i bought off ebay for a couple of quid works like a dream id like to upgrade even further but unfortunatly none of the new boards seem to support ide raid any more just sata raid. As im running 6 hdd + dvdrw & cdrw then ide raid is an important issue to me and too expensive to buy sata converters for all my stuff and im still not too sure about sata drivers from what ive read around various sites. I could use a pci raid but it never seems as good as ide raid.
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