Ga-7n400 Pro 2 Bios
Anyone know if theres a bios to under clock the vcore voltage? Gigabyte in their wisdom default the voltage at 3.3 which in turn pushes the temps up a lot (approx 10-15c) more than any other board ive used. If there isnt is it possible someone could create one please. I'm using the latest bios vers. at the moment which is FH with an xp 2800 (not barton) and the temps are driving me nuts especially whilst trying to play games the pc either freezes or reboots.
So please can someone help out thanks
edit: forgot to say the board is REV. 2.0
So please can someone help out thanks
edit: forgot to say the board is REV. 2.0
I have the chance of an Abit AT7 MAX 2 i know its older technology but it has what i need as in agp8, IDE raid, 333 support would this be a better board and would i be likely to suffer any probs. From looking at some reviews and forums there doesnt seem to be any major issues.