Abit KX7-333R

TurboPenguinTurboPenguin Orangevale, CA
edited October 2004 in Hardware
I got a AMD XP 3000+ Barton runnin on the abit kx7333r and its only runnin at 1733 mhz. Ive upgraded the bios and same.... do i need a new mobo? Which one?

Thanx guys!


  • phlipphlip hell
    edited September 2004
    Being its an abit u should beable to change the multiplier. but whats the spec bus speed for that chip? if its 400 u need to up the bus to 400...I recomment the nf7
  • phlipphlip hell
    edited September 2004
    phlip wrote:
    Being its an abit u should beable to change the multiplier. but whats the spec bus speed for that chip? if its 400 u need to up the bus to 400...I recommend the nf7
  • edited October 2004
    I had this board, just got rid of it about a month ago. I remember reading something like you couldn't put in something higher than a 2100+ due to something on the board that needed to upgraded by abit. I don't know if this still holds true or not. I had only a 2000+ in my system. I didn't want to waste the money if a higher chip didn't work.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited October 2004
    yeah, i have the at7 which is essentially the same as the kx7 except mine doesnt have any legacy ports. i remember when the thoroughbreds first came out, they didnt work in these, but then they released core B and the worked again. as for newer processors, i dont know, but i wouldnt be surprised if there were some issues there . . .
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