Bit Torrent problems...
Buffalo, NY
Whenever I leave my computer for several hours with a bit torrent client running, it is totally locked up when I come back. I have to restart to get access. My friend also expierenced this problem, but it stopped doing this spontaneously one day so he doesn't really know how to fix it. If anyone has any suggestions, please comment.
Second thing how much free hard drive space do you have? I've had this happen to me when I was down under 2 gigs free.
info: <-- at the very top, second bullet, thats with his client though, so you need to poke around abc, although abc is based off the bittornado/shadow's client . . .
Maybe it's ABC...I had problems with that myself. Try uninstalling it and just using the bittorrent client itself. You might have to uninstall bittorrent altogether and reinstall to get rid of it.