doom 3 problems
at first i got at the beggining all the screen whit, i had sound and a blue bar apeared
then i downloaded the video driver and all was ok
but then when i tryed to play i got this error
1754 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE
256 MB System Memory
128 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: FAMILIA-2
doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
Initializing File System
Current search path:
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3/base
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 (63 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
Initializing Decls
Initializing renderSystem
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
5151 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
5151 strings read from strings/english.lang
Initializing Sound System
sound system initialized.
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...attempting to use stereo
...PIXELFORMAT 10 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Input Initialization
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 2.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_NV_register_combiners
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
X..EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 67, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 68, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 72, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 73, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 79, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 80, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 81, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1514:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# textures 4 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[4], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[13];
# textures 5 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[5], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[15];
# calculate vector to viewer in R0
SUB R0, program.env[5], vertex.position;
# put into texture space for TEX6
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], R0;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
#SWZ result.color, R0, 1, 1, 1, 1;
ENDglprogs/test.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 67, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 68, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 72, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 73, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 93, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 94, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 95, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1514:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# textures 4 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[4], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[13];
# textures 5 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[5], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[15];
# texture 6's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
SUB R0, program.env[4], vertex.position;
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
SUB R1, program.env[5], vertex.position;
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], R0;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
ENDglprogs/interaction.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 38, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 39, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 40, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 43, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 44, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 45, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 48, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 49, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 50, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1078:
2].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[8];
# texture 3 gets the transformed tangent
DP3 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[8];
# texture 4 gets the transformed tangent
DP3 result.texcoord[2].z, vertex.normal, program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].z, vertex.normal, program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.normal,program.env[8];
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
ENDglprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 65, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 69, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 70, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 74, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 75, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 76, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 79, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 80, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 81, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 84, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 85, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 86, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1963:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[20];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[20];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[20];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[21];
DP3 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[21];
DP3 result.texcoord[5].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[21];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[22];
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[22];
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[22];
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
ENDglprogs/ambientLight.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 56, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 83, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 84, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 85, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 88, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 89, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 90, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1658:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[10];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[11];
# textures 3 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[3], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[13];
# texture 4's texcoords will be the halfangle in tangent space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
SUB lightDir, program.env[4], vertex.position;
DP3 R1, lightDir, lightDir;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, lightDir, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
SUB R1, program.env[5], vertex.position;
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# texture 5's texcoords will be the unnormalized lightDir in tangent space
DP3 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.texcoord[1], lightDir;
DP3 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.texcoord[2], lightDir;
DP3 result.texcoord[5].z, vertex.texcoord[3], lightDir;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 30, column 43: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 31, column 43: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 38, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 39, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 42, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 43, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 44, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 690:
2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# textures 1 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
DP4 result.texcoord[1].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[10];
DP4 result.texcoord[1].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[11];
# texture 2 has one texgen and a constant
MOV result.texcoord[2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 29, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 30, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 51, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 52, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 55, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 56, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 57, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 789:
2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[15];
# texture 0's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
ADD R0, -vertex.position, program.env[4];
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
ADD R1, -vertex.position, program.env[5];
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[0].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# copy color
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 27, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 28, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 30, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 31, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 52, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 53, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 670:
2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[13];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[15];
# texture 0's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
ADD R0, -vertex.position, program.env[4];
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
ADD R1, -vertex.position, program.env[5];
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[0].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# copy color
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
glprogs/environment.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using NV10 renderSystem
found DLL in pak file: C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\gamex86.dll
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
i know its very big but plz guys try to help me so i kno what to do
then i downloaded the video driver and all was ok
but then when i tryed to play i got this error
1754 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE
256 MB System Memory
128 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: FAMILIA-2
doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
Initializing File System
Current search path:
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3/base
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 (63 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
Initializing Decls
Initializing renderSystem
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
5151 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
5151 strings read from strings/english.lang
Initializing Sound System
sound system initialized.
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...attempting to use stereo
...PIXELFORMAT 10 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Input Initialization
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 2.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_NV_register_combiners
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
X..EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 67, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 68, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 72, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 73, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 79, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 80, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 81, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1514:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# textures 4 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[4], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[13];
# textures 5 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[5], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[15];
# calculate vector to viewer in R0
SUB R0, program.env[5], vertex.position;
# put into texture space for TEX6
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], R0;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
#SWZ result.color, R0, 1, 1, 1, 1;
ENDglprogs/test.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 67, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 68, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 72, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 73, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 93, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 94, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 95, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1514:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# textures 4 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[4], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[13];
# textures 5 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[5], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[8], program.env[15];
# texture 6's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
SUB R0, program.env[4], vertex.position;
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
SUB R1, program.env[5], vertex.position;
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], R0;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
ENDglprogs/interaction.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 38, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 39, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 40, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 43, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 44, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 45, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 48, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 49, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 50, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1078:
2].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[8];
# texture 3 gets the transformed tangent
DP3 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[8];
# texture 4 gets the transformed tangent
DP3 result.texcoord[2].z, vertex.normal, program.env[6];
DP3 result.texcoord[3].z, vertex.normal, program.env[7];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.normal,program.env[8];
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
ENDglprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 65, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 66, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 69, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 70, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 71, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 74, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 75, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 76, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 79, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 80, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 81, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 84, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 85, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 86, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1963:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[20];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[20];
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[20];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[21];
DP3 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[21];
DP3 result.texcoord[5].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[21];
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[6].x, vertex.attrib[9], program.env[22];
DP3 result.texcoord[6].y, vertex.attrib[10], program.env[22];
DP3 result.texcoord[6].z, vertex.attrib[11], program.env[22];
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
ENDglprogs/ambientLight.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 56, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 57, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 58, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 61, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 62, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 63, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 83, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 84, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 85, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 88, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 89, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 90, column 22: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 1658:
2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[10];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[11];
# textures 3 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV result.texcoord[3], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[13];
# texture 4's texcoords will be the halfangle in tangent space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
SUB lightDir, program.env[4], vertex.position;
DP3 R1, lightDir, lightDir;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, lightDir, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
SUB R1, program.env[5], vertex.position;
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# texture 5's texcoords will be the unnormalized lightDir in tangent space
DP3 result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.texcoord[1], lightDir;
DP3 result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.texcoord[2], lightDir;
DP3 result.texcoord[5].z, vertex.texcoord[3], lightDir;
# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16], program.env[17];
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 30, column 43: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 31, column 43: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 38, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 39, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 42, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 43, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 44, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 690:
2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# textures 1 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
DP4 result.texcoord[1].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[10];
DP4 result.texcoord[1].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[11];
# texture 2 has one texgen and a constant
MOV result.texcoord[2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4 result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 29, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 30, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 51, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 52, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 55, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 56, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 57, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 789:
2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[15];
# texture 0's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
ADD R0, -vertex.position, program.env[4];
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
ADD R1, -vertex.position, program.env[5];
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[0].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# texture 3 has three texgens
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];
# copy color
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 27, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 28, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 30, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 31, column 21: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 52, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
line 53, column 44: error: invalid texture coordinate reference
error at 670:
2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[12];
DP4 result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[13];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[14];
DP4 result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[15];
# texture 0's texcoords will be the halfangle in texture space
# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
ADD R0, -vertex.position, program.env[4];
DP3 R1, R0, R0;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R0, R0, R1.x;
# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
ADD R1, -vertex.position, program.env[5];
DP3 R2, R1, R1;
RSQ R2, R2.x;
MUL R1, R1, R2.x;
# add together to become the half angle vector in object space (non-normalized)
ADD R0, R0, R1;
# put into texture space
DP3 result.texcoord[0].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3 result.texcoord[0].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;
# copy color
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
glprogs/environment.vfp: GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB not available
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using NV10 renderSystem
found DLL in pak file: C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Archivos de programa\Doom 3\base\gamex86.dll
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
i know its very big but plz guys try to help me so i kno what to do
Of course those comments are if you are only using an illegal copy of course. Your error just seems really fishy to me and strange for a legit copy of doom.
and no, that i know it isnt an ilegal copy
I am no programing guru but I know if Config and autoexec files don't run properly you will have a problem.
Why these files don't run properly I don't know, my best bet is that there was a problem during instalation?
Have you tried reinstalling?
BTW What is the minimum system requirements for Doom3?
To me that sounds like they got a copy from a friend, or downloaded a copy and are trying to play it off like it was legit. I mean if you bought a real copy in the store, would you respond "and no, that i know it isnt an ilegal copy" ?? Hell no you wouldn't. You would say something like "unless XXXX store is selling illegal copies in the box, then no it isn't illegal".
Sorry, I just get pissed off with people who pirate games. Maybe because I have friends in the games industry, who knows. It just pisses me off. If everybody pirated games, there would be NO new games coming out.
So seriously, go to the fucking store and buy a copy of the game. And if you honestly already did that, why don't you email ID and the creators of the game and ask them? The fact you come here and your first post to the forum is this, really leads me to believe you're using an illegal copy, and that just pisses me off.
my comp spec follows:
p4 2.8
512mb ram
128mb radeon 9200 series
win xp home edition sp1 i think i might have sp2 also if that makes any differnce
if you cant notice the colors its crazy and dosnt fade it just changes and flikkers on everything
i only run the game on meduim spec graphics for better performance.
anyone get a similar prob or know what can be done?
BTW Davex m8 i think you might need to patch your doom or summit cos the log you show is saying that it cant find certain textures or they arent propely addressed this bug is actually in the original version of the game and wasnt fixed befor release i think it voids over 5000 textures or summit stupid like that...anyways a mod i use>> (well the name i have for the file is ZZ-DEditCleanMatsV2 ) it recoordinates the textures i use it for mapping as half the textures arent loaded into the editor. hope this helps patching might also work :S
PLZ you need a brake!
Isn't there something callled "until proven guilty" where you come from?
Not everybody that encounters problems with software uses warez copies!
So until he admitts being guilty lets assume that his problems are legit and do our very best to solve his problem!
And thesittingduck, I was ranting about people who pirate games in general, did you not notice the lines where I wrote "if you did buy it why don't you email or call id ?". It just irked me that his response to me asking if he bought a legit copy was "as far as I know it isnt illegal" That just doesn't sound like an answer someone would give if it was bought thats all.
I just went off on a rant about it in general because it pisses me off thats all. If he bought the game legit I have no problems with him, and think he will get the best support if he just contacts the company who made the game.
the make is emachines which could ammount to summit but i just thought it needs a reinstall ill have to try when i get round to finding my disk 2
or failing that it could be my gfx settings or summit ill have to keep fiddling
' never let your lil bro get hold of your games ' words of wisdom
Your best option so far is finding that second disk and reinstalling.
Yes you are right, this is hardware related.
You are not by any chance OC'ing your GPU?
it must have been quite warm lol
i guess if anyone gets the same thing ask them if they've restarted the comp yet
i just dont want to void my warranty
I getthis error when i try to start Doom 3
i assume its my card but its a Nvidia GForce FX 5600 XT shouldnt that work
3207 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & HTT
1024 MB System Memory
128 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: spiller-qc6dgqh
doom using MMX & SSE & SSE2 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
Initializing File System
Current search path:
C:\Program Files\Doom 3/base
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
Initializing Decls
Initializing renderSystem
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
Initializing Sound System
sound system initialized.
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglSwapIntervalEXT
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglChoosePixelFormatARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglCreatePbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPbufferDCARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglReleasePbufferDCARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglDestroyPbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglQueryPbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglBindTexImageARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglReleaseTexImageARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglSetPbufferAttribARB
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...attempting to use stereo
...PIXELFORMAT 7 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglSwapIntervalEXT
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglChoosePixelFormatARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglCreatePbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglGetPbufferDCARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglReleasePbufferDCARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglDestroyPbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglQueryPbufferARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglBindTexImageARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglReleaseTexImageARB
Couldn't find proc address for: wglSetPbufferAttribARB
Input Initialization
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
X..GL_ARB_multitexture not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_cube_map not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_env_add not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
X..GL_ARB_texture_compression not found
X..GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
X..GL_EXT_texture_lod not found
X..GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias not found
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_wrap not found
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
X..GL_ATI_separate_stencil not found
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
X..GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object not found
X..GL_ARB_vertex_program not found
X..GL_ARB_fragment_program not found
ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL