A better way to home network?

yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
edited October 2004 in Science & Tech

I have typically done the workgroup networking thing in Windows XP, but now it doesn't seem to work. Computer A recognizes computer B but can not see inside any of the shared folders, just the shared folders themselves. Computer B can't see or recognize anything, even its own shared folders. So, I am wondering if there is a way to fix this (I have restarted a couple times, so that has been done, but maybe a few more times?).

Because of this problem I also have wondered if I can connect the computers a better, faster (since windows networks are soooooo lagggggggggy) system, such as maybe the domain service or something else. Now, do I need a dedicated system for the domain service?


  • edited October 2004
    A domain for a home network is a little extreme. What operating systems are you using and how many machines are you trying to network?

    Are all the folder permissons set correctly? Is file and printer sharing enabled on all network connections and do you have any firewalls getting in the way?
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