Looks to me like you were misinformed, and that mobo only supports ddr1. Right now there is no real advantage using ddr2 so I wouldn't sweat it. You have most of the other next gen features.
hey i was wondering how u get the bios to run my WD 120 gig ide HD and my Cd-rom at the same time? my mobo (p5gd1) only has on IDE slot. im new to pci express and i dont know how to raid.
Set the jumpers on the back of the WD 120Gb to master, and the jumper on the back of the cdrom to slave, then run them on an ide ribbon cable that has 2 connectors. Make sure you put the master on the connector furthest from the mobo. The only other way is to buy a IDE controller card for your hard drive.
It is available, and actually there is a pretty good selection of it already from top tier manufacturers. Prices aren't even that outrageous. Newegg has 5 pages of DDR2 memory listed with most of it in stock.
No problem HeyMikeDude. Your CD to HD transfers could suffer from being in a master/slave config on the same channel, but I'm not sure how much it will affect performance. It's not optimum, but unless you want to spring for a pci based ide controller it's about the only option. I wouln't invest much more in ide equipment myself. A good controller probably isn't much cheaper than a sata hard drive.
Hey adham, I went with the SATA drive instead so when it came in i plugged it in to the SATA1 (MASTER) slot and my Aopen Dvd drive in the primary IDE slot. While in bios it detects the Primary IDE Master as my Western Digital Sata 160 gig drive and my Dvd Rom as the Third IDE Master. My IDE controller is set as: Configure SATA as :[standard IDE], Onboard IDE operate mode:[enhanced mode], Enhanced mode Support on:[SATA Mode]. It seems like it going well but when i boot from my cd-rom with a Windows XP cd i have it says something like "could not detect a hard drive. make sure all connections are properly connected and try again." I need some help and i regret going pci express for my first time build.
Okay, don't worry this is a pretty common problem with sata hard drives. However the Intel chipset on your motherboard supports sata without loading additional drivers from a floppy during the initial windows install. (that is what the "Press F6 to load....drivers" at the bottom of the screen when windows first starts installing is for). Try using the Enhanced mode support on [SATA Mode] and try installing windows again. it should detect the hard drive. If it doesn't, try the setting that you haven't used yet. I know the frustration, believe me. This is a SATA issue, not PCI-X, so don't shortchange yourself, you probably made a good choice by going pci-x becuase your upgrade path is way better. Let me know if this doesn't work, and if anyone else has any suggestions by all means chime in. I have only built one P4 rig, so I'm no expert. I hope you get it going soon.
Looks to me like you were misinformed, and that mobo only supports ddr1. Right now there is no real advantage using ddr2 so I wouldn't sweat it. You have most of the other next gen features.