Windows Longhorn

i was crusin for some programs on and i saw a "Windows Longhorn 4074 (Thanks to WinBeta)" link. (41 seeding, 161 downloading) i didn't torrentstorm it but i was wondering if it could be legit. go to "Apps" then under "quick links" go to windows and it's near the bottom of the list. go to "Apps" then under "quick links" go to windows and it's near the bottom of the list.
Either way fuck man it's longhorn beta even if it's real it's fake.
J. Winters
Network Adminstrator
IT and PC Technologies
End of 2005 methinks.
there more shooting towards the end of 2006. it was slated for 2005 but they want to get it rite this time, and there supposivly listening to what the public wants.
On that front Security proof is a two fold thing. From what I've been reading security proof means more closed down kernel so there is less things you can turn on turn off. It's also 'hacker proof'. It should be more virus resistant in the same way a Mac and Linux are (though I doubt that claim because the kernel and hardware API's can't be protected due to the way DirectX works). However standard Email/browser traps should be a thing of the past. The other thing they are pushing for is DRM so it'll also be harder to run pirated software on it be it games/utils or just Movies/MP3's. That is still on the board if it will be included or not as it's a rather touch subject. Not so much from a corporate point of veiw the gov't, RIAA distributors in general love the idea. But from a mass marketing view it'll put a serious damper in sales.
User friendliness is just about more integration with everything so it's all one big seemless OS. Still M$ still bloated (as apparent by the system specs). The gui though is very nice looking when run at full it's a fully rendered desktop that'll be processed by the GPU instead of the CPU. All sorts of 3D looking things into it like user switching all these fancy tricks. However a lot of standard machines now won't be able to run it now at full efficiency especially if you are multi-tasking or multi-monitoring it. So for that they have a standard Desktop that basically looks like winXP.
In terms of actual what good is it? It's still years behind OSX in it's functionality and user tools and speed (probably security and stability also). It's also behind a good working linux in terms of speed, security and user tools.
Longhorn will be great in a corporate environment because of it's security reasons (hopefully) but thats it. It also has a huge potential to fail in a corporate setting because of it's increased computer demands and the general lack of a willingness for corporations to ugraded OS's. Especially if Longhorn starts to reduce it's ability to be backwards compatible.
that way i dont have to have the chance of something backfiring and screwing me up royally, until they have every little thing worked out,
I've gotten bad files off bittorrent before, but usually it's a case of grabbing a file the instant it's up before the suprnova checked it out. Normally they are very good at removing junk files. I would also agree that this longhorn is legit, however still a very early beta and should be shunned.