KDS Monitor troubles...

l33txpl33txp Marietta, OH USA
edited November 2004 in Hardware
Hey guys... I just bought a new KDS 17" Xtreme Flat XF-7s and it seems to be a little jumpy at 1024x768 @85Hz.... is this a driver problem or just a cheap monitor?? It was a quick fix.. what can I say??? :jelly:


  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2004
    I have that same monitor and have had no problems...I love and thought it was a great deal : /
  • verselloversello New
    edited October 2004
    Most likely hardware problem or interference from something nearby.
  • l33txpl33txp Marietta, OH USA
    edited October 2004
    Well the more I'm using it, the less it's doing it.. I don't have anything around me so.. no interference.. I'll see what it does from here...
  • youvegotjermzyouvegotjermz Baton Rouge, La
    edited October 2004
    i used to have that problem with my samsung 700nf, but then i found out it was the old wiring in my apartment (lights are bright then go dim, it affected my monitor and made it jumpy), i moved and got a ups panel and problem fixed.
  • lordbeanlordbean Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2004
    I've got a graphics card that distorts things quite a bit. It's an old Geforce 2 MX video card which can't keep a signal constant to save it's life. It works, it's just annoying to look at.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I have had two KDS cheapo 17s go crappy on me. They are the shoddiest monitors I've ever used. One developed a huge magnetic distortion spot in the dead center which will not go away, no matter how much I degauss the thing. I would have to get it professionally degaussed to fix the problem. The other one also developed magnetic distortion, but it was so bad that the screen was totally illegible.

  • youvegotjermzyouvegotjermz Baton Rouge, La
    edited October 2004
    that's not good news, i just built a comp for my boss and used that monitor. you get what you pay for i guess. I hope it doesn't do what yours did prime
  • l33txpl33txp Marietta, OH USA
    edited October 2004
    Well I've left it on all night and seems to be fine... it's not shaking at all..
  • edited November 2004
    l33txp wrote:
    Well I've left it on all night and seems to be fine... it's not shaking at all..
    paid $500.00 two monitors 2 years old each both craped out. After sending this email to Customer Service I was told to contact support.They told me that the monitor was out of warranty I told him I knew it was but I needed to get it fixed. Albert at customer service said they only deal with warranty items only. He also said KDS is no longer in business after your warranty your on your own. he told me if the item is out of warranty I would not be able to get it fixed there. I asked who would be able to service my monitor I was told to look for someone local.When I asked his full name his exact words Albert at customer service nor would he give supervisors name, I asked who would be able to service my monitor.Two monitors 2 years old each both dead. story below>>>>>I bought your AV-195TF 19" monitor at bestbuy 12/01/00 on 05/08/02 there was a serious display problem all went pink. Well I took advantage of your advance ship replacement and was sent another monitor and all was well until about a month ago I started hearing a hearing a high pitch sound that would come and go. Until now 11/15/04 when my monitor went blank. Please let me know were I can get it fixed maybe there was a recall on this model AV-195TF.( Purchased monitor date 12/01/00)(replacement monitor Date 05/09/02) as you can see neither monitor lasted a full warranty althought I know only my original warranty of purchase covered me. I know things always have a life span up to a degree. But I was just curious why I have had several 15" to 17" monitors that I've given away to family which are 6 to 10 years old and still working fine and here I have had two new ones a little over 2 years old each and twice I've had bad luck. I've taken really good care of it always in an clean air-conditioned enviorment. Still trying to get something done. Thank you
  • DocanoDocano Texas
    edited November 2004
    Hey, I bought the same KDS AV-195TF monitor from Best Buy that you all are talking about. I don't know whether KDS is a cheap, bad monitor company or if it's just this particular model of monitor, but I've had two die on me (the one I'm using now has a problem if really high pitched buzzing at certain resolutions/refresh frequencies, but my warranty has expired).

    If your screen starts flickering with horizontal lines of different colors like pink and green, that means there is a bad connection with the cable that connects your video card output to your monitor's VGA input. Shake the cable around a bit until it fixes the problem. Mine does it all the time--another quirk of this KDS monitor, I guess.

    Dunno if any of this helps, but here it is anyway!
  • edited November 2004
    Docano wrote:
    Hey, I bought the same KDS AV-195TF monitor from Best Buy that you all are talking about. I don't know whether KDS is a cheap, bad monitor company or if it's just this particular model of monitor, but I've had two die on me (the one I'm using now has a problem if really high pitched buzzing at certain resolutions/refresh frequencies, but my warranty has expired).

    If your screen starts flickering with horizontal lines of different colors like pink and green, that means there is a bad connection with the cable that connects your video card output to your monitor's VGA input. Shake the cable around a bit until it fixes the problem. Mine does it all the time--another quirk of this KDS monitor, I guess.

    Dunno if any of this helps, but here it is anyway!
    Thanks for reading me post . No go with the cable I'm not even getting a pattern on the screen. Support said it was some kind of chip burned out and handed me back to customer service which pretty much told me can't do anything for you because warranty was out. I'm still making calls to them I'm not going quietly. I had the same noise you have and it would come and go. All was fine and I got a bending of picture on screen then a little later is shrunk to a dot and thats all she wrote. Yes raising refresh rate will calm humming but it will also send it to KDS MONITOR GRAVEYARD. There are problems with these monitors I've been reading all kind of things. But lasting 2 years isn't an investment it's a ripoff. Good luck with yours I don't mean to worry you any.
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