Any Reccommended Laptops?

I am buying a laptop soon, and I'm not quite what sure to get. I have 1,100 to spend plus or minus a few tens. I DO want a widescreen if possible, Pentium M is a must, and Ram should be 512. Here is a possiblity:
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
About everything except gaming and DV editing/Photo editing. So school, programming (VB.Net, god help me), massive downloading/torrenting, etc.
I would prefer not to get a dell. Once, I did, and it never came, so I was all like :yell1: and they were all :bawling: and im all :shoot: and they were all
Nice use of smilies DoOd!
Either way, Intel Pentium M CPU with Intel's Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200 is a must... (that also qualifies the laptop to be labeled a Centrino™). Compaq (HP) has a few that are not bad... The one below is a Compaq V2000 (wide screen).
I'm actually surprised the FX5200 is pretty reasonable. Doom3 is a slideshow but WOW beta ran real pretty and fast.