Buying Win XP Pro Questions
Fla Icrontian
I'm looking into buying the full win xp pro package. I'm building 4 pcs for my home network. I also build and maintain my inlaws pc-1, and my brothers pc-1, which they only use for basic pc stuff. Going online, card games, etc. the reason I want all to have win xp pro is that it's much easier to work on them, having the same OS that I'm running on my pcs and I don't have to remember win98, millenium, xp home setup, etc. I was reading the $300 win xp pro package at the store and it states that you can only put it on 1 machine! How do I leagally get it on the 6 pcs so I can update them, etc.? I'm surely not going to buy a separate copie for every pc! Tried looking at Windows XP site to figure it out and it's so confusing I can't get anything from it. Can anyone point me in the right direction for licensing and cost?
You decide, and your money either way. Sorry but thats Microsoft for ya. they control the market and still cost you alot of money.
Hey Kanez, Good to see you too bud. I'm here @ icrontic and over @ shortmedia lurkin around behind the scenes. Hehe. I post in the threads from time to time, to help others if I can, and to chat it up a little.
PCmaster, I format all my HD's NTFS, so there's no problem there.
Thnx again guys. I appreciate the input.