You can play Soldat on like a 486, dude... Oh, HALO, of course, yeah... a friend of mine bought a Radeon 9600 Pro just so he could play Halo. And then he bought a new motherboard because the Radeon 9600 Pro didn't work on his old board. And then he bought a copy of Halo for CB just so he had somebody to play with online. Halo is SO much better on the PC than it is on the XBox.
The list shall be out sooner or later, within the next few days. Never fear though, the first will be a vote by the attendees, then we force you to do whatever we want
I hope I don't have to shell out TOO much cash for games for the LAN. We gonna be doing up some C&C Generals??? I love that game....
Whos ready to get owned?