Since the "things to bring" thread is closed for whatever reason. Is this a serious item to bring? Are we going to piss in Mayonaise jars? whaaaa? I dont get it!
primesuspect had this to say Things to bring thread was closed accidentally... me == superwin admin
General Keebler had this to say "Close" and "Sticky" are at opposite ends of the options list. Nice work!
Oh sure, laugh at ya boss ... I can't help ya if he exercises his karma on ya
Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
edited November 2003
Karma is earned, not exercised against someone, as that would decrease your Karma and RAISE HIS\HER's if he\she were non-violent -- essentially, for some religions, that could mean NEXT life would be as an ANT (for the Excerciser, not the Excercisee). Any mayo\sicko attempts on me or that I wake up cuz of will be ACTIVELY repulsed, I will take my 5 cell Maglight at bedtime and stick under my big duffle bag pillow.
if everyone's joking, you don't need to respond to it in a serious manner..... Like, karmic explanations aren't necessary in a thread, which is about a joke about bringing a mayonnaise jar and pantyhose. The mayo jar and pantyhose are a joke....
So in other words, it's not serious. See the SM-Byte of the day for more info.
I saw the joke thing, I laugh quite heartily (sp?), but, I didn't know if you were serious...
/me is S-M LAN Newb
OK then, control top it is!
oh many ridiculous people I can't wait to meet at the LAN...kanez, you keep your mayonaise to yourself or I'll have to do something not nice
w00t they put up the SM-Byte!
Wow! Prime sure found THAT button with no problem!
Wow! Prime sure found THAT button with no problem!
Oh sure, laugh at ya boss ... I can't help ya if he exercises his karma on ya
if everyone's joking, you don't need to respond to it in a serious manner..... Like, karmic explanations aren't necessary in a thread, which is about a joke about bringing a mayonnaise jar and pantyhose. The mayo jar and pantyhose are a joke....
They are...?
...ohh, right.... they are....