Send To - won't send to favourites folder on another pc over LAN
I've just added a shortcut to my 'Send To' folder.
This short cut is the Favourites folder on my partner's pc on the LAN. Her Favourittes folder has been enable for sharing and altering on the LAN by other users (i.e. me).
OK, so I'm in IE on my pc and I click on one of my favourites; then right click to get the new option to send to 'Jude's Favourites' fine so far. But on clicking nothing happens and it does not get transfered across to her favourites. Am I missing something - this is possible isn't it?
I can send to my desktop then drag and drop to Jude's Favourites (which is one of my networked places) and this works ok, but I'd rather have the snappier option of just Send[ing] To.
This short cut is the Favourites folder on my partner's pc on the LAN. Her Favourittes folder has been enable for sharing and altering on the LAN by other users (i.e. me).
OK, so I'm in IE on my pc and I click on one of my favourites; then right click to get the new option to send to 'Jude's Favourites' fine so far. But on clicking nothing happens and it does not get transfered across to her favourites. Am I missing something - this is possible isn't it?
I can send to my desktop then drag and drop to Jude's Favourites (which is one of my networked places) and this works ok, but I'd rather have the snappier option of just Send[ing] To.
First locate your Favourites folder and make it a shared folder then do the same on the other computer.
Now after you have done that then creat a shortcut in your Network Place so you both have access to each other Favourites and can click on them when ever you want.
The send to option is easy to use with most folders, all you have to do is make sure the connection is connected and then making sure you have permission to share these files and to share the favourites on the other computer. Then all you have to do is creat a shourtcut into the sent to folder and make sure you can open it from there.
I was coming to the conclusion it couldn't be done with the fav. folder since this is the only forum I've had feedback from.