Which watercooling kit???
Ok i have listed my specs below and i am thinking of installing a watercooling kit. My current temps are 33c idle and about 45 full load. Will i gain anything from watercooling exept quiet??? i really need the watercooling kit for temps rather than noise as i have second computer for downloading and staff like that.
A) Dangerden kits] Dangerden Kits
B ) DTEK Kit
C) Cool Technica .
Or you can check these sites and put together a custom setup to your liking
Enjoy your shopping-
http://www.thermaltake.com/watercooling/a1681.htm or
The first one says Cooling Power
For 200W thermal design power . Is this good????
you notice on the danger den link that the products say .01 as their cost, but if you click on them they arn't? I think someone deserves a sueing.
Well My Thermaltake Volcano cooler does a very good job actually. I get temps much lower than other people do with same processor. the only negative is that it creates a LOT of noise. The cooler by it self creates around 50db at full speed (6100 rpms). Imagine with the extra 5 fans (2 spin at 3000rpm and other at 1800rpms) how much noise is created. What i want actually is a cheap solution of water cooling kit that will actually cool my cpu better.
If you're looking for a "cheap" watercooling kit, and the magic word here is "cheap", that cools better that what you have now, it isn't gonna happen. Those kits by thermatake will cool the same as what you have now. You want better, it isn't gonna be cheap. You want cheap, it ain't gonna be better.
You might as well stick with what you have unless you're gonna spend a little more money.
210 euros = $277.347 using values from Thursday, January 13, 2005.
Is this money enough????
So witch one would you recommend??? Really don`t know anything about watercooling.
Not sure which type of system you want -- But here's some links to both-- -
koolance Exos-Al
Zalman Reserator on sale
Swiftech H2O-120-FB Single Processor Liquid Cooling Kit
Cooler Master Aquagate
Thermaltake BigWater Water Cooling Kit
Kingwin Arctic Liquid Cooling Kit
Titan TWC-A04 and Alphacool Cape Set
Hope all this didn't confuse you. You'll have to read the reviews and figure which you'd want to try.