Startup Problem

edited January 2005 in Science & Tech
my friend has windows xp pro, and she says that whenever she starts her comp up, even before it gets to the user log on, a blue screen pops up and says something like, "to prevent damage to your system, windows will now be shutting down" or something like that. do u know what it might be? its not a built system, or overclocked either. perhaps something in the bios settings?

Edit: it is a built system.


  • LINLIN Tri_State Area
    edited January 2005
    are you presented with an error code on the (blue) screen?

  • edited January 2005
    yes, it says windows stop error, and like 00X00078 or something similar. can't log on in safe mode either.
  • SSR_06SSR_06 Iowa
    edited January 2005
    was xp pre-installed on the hard drive? if so i would try repairing/re-installing windows and see if that fixes any problems. also try a bare boot. useing only what is necisary for you to be able to boot into windows.
  • edited January 2005
    she loaded win xp to it. bare boot? with minimal settings? ill try
  • edited January 2005
    k i got it, it was loading up from the hard drive, and it was corrupted or something, so i jus set the BIOS to boot from the XP cd and it repaired the settings back to normal, thanks guys.
  • edited January 2005
    Now she says she installed the windows updates, and when she tries to turn her comp on, it wont load. i did a system recovery, and it seems to load windows, but there is this grey loading bar, and it never loads all the way, it freezes. and it wont load windows. please help.
  • edited January 2005
    decided to install a new installation of XP on the hard drive. now when the start up begins, shows XP INSTALLATION 2 times, the top one is the good one, bottom one is the bad one. When i log on to the good one, shows Windows and Windows2 folders on the hard drive, the windows2 is the new good installation. is there any way to repair the original windows installation, since it had all of her programs? because when i log on to the bad one from boot up, it has that white loading bar, but it never finishes loading. so if there is anything i can do, please let me know.
  • edited January 2005
    got it all figured out.
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