Got a question for everyone. If you had to chooose between having a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text which would you pick?
even when you say... wake up at 4 am and turn the monitor on and it blasts you with blinding light you wish you could turn down?
How about giving us a choice? I believe there was the original theme (from the June restart), then a modified version of that, I can't remember if there was another one, and now this blue theme. I personally liked the original theme best, but a choice would be ideal!
I've been checking out different sites light-dark backgrounds for a week or so, and I'm with the majority. I prefer the dark background with light text. Didn't want to make an opinion without really looking around. Yaggas idea is a good one, (choice) but I know that makes more work. I can see Aranyic pulling his hair out now... <img src="" />
the funny thing is he never reads the posts really, I don't think he knows we don't like him and are snickering at him with comments...
What the hell is with ms word, you can't go and type something there and insert it here! You could upload a picture, but who would go to the hassle of that? WHO!!!
If I type somthing out, like a review or a long entry, I will slap 'er in Word before I enter it, because I tend to miss/not care about a lot of typos. It takes away from the seriousness of the post it there are typos and just general grammar errors right and left...
the funny thing is he never reads the posts really, I don't think he knows we don't like him and are snickering at him with comments...
What the hell is with ms word, you can't go and type something there and insert it here! You could upload a picture, but who would go to the hassle of that? WHO!!!
I see,it seems to work here but i have had trouble copying and pasteing white text elsewhere.
Sorry for all the confusion.But you do need everything spelled out don't you.
No imagination whatso ever. :fu:
yey dark.
How about giving us a choice? I believe there was the original theme (from the June restart), then a modified version of that, I can't remember if there was another one, and now this blue theme. I personally liked the original theme best, but a choice would be ideal!
I prefer a dark background. Easier on the eyes
*Zuntar snickers teehehehhehhehhehheeehhee
What the hell is with ms word, you can't go and type something there and insert it here! You could upload a picture, but who would go to the hassle of that? WHO!!!
Sorry for all the confusion.But you do need everything spelled out don't you.
No imagination whatso ever.