Linksys Router for XBox???
Ok guys, I need your help! I've got a Linksys Router hooked to my pc, bought a wireless Linksys Gaming Adapter for my XBox. It gives me "can not find XBox Live" as a message. I used the cable that came with the wireless adapter, then I used a patch cable, then I used CAT 5 cable, still nothing. Another message says, "If you are connecting through a router, make sure your MTU is set at 1365 or greater". Mine, of course, is. My XBox is all orginal, purchased 2 years ago, and has not been modifed. Guys, I need help.

Well, What is DHCP? and how do you set your static IP's...sincerly computer illiterate guy!!! :kaka:
One stupid question to get out of the way first. You said you have a router but is it a Wireless router? If it is do you have wireless access enabled.
Ok I'm just going to start covering the basics. Do however you read through Rapture's link.
First the cable should just be a standard Cat 5e patch cable and not a crossover, so you may as well just use the one that came with your WAP (Wireless Access Point). Next your MTU should be greater then 1365 - it should be manually set to exactly 1495 and not set to auto.
I don't know about this specific adapter but every WAP I've set up has to be connected to the network first to receive it's programming before it will connect wirelessly. The reason is that have to be programmed so they know what SSID to use and if they are to use WEP or not and if so which password to use. Furthermore you may have to put in the MAC address of the router into the WAP so it can forward the XBOX connection properly.