Icon trouble

BruceYBruceY S. Jersey
edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
This is getting rediculas (f the spelling)LOL...........I was tranfering a 168mb file from another computer on my home network to one of the hard rives in my pc. part way thru, I get an error message saying something about the tranfer failed. So I went to delete the file ( or portion of) that did transfer. The only way I was "allowed" to was in Win2k computer management. then I looked at event viewer and it was caused by a problem with my drive #3. I have 4 drives installed. but now 90% of my icons be they on my desktop or via the START button, They are now WORDPAD associated. Everything was going great till this just happend. any easy ways to fix with out going thru a reinstall again. I just finished that after 1 week doing it not 2 nights ago :confused: :help:


  • BruceYBruceY S. Jersey
    edited February 2005
    After speaking with a MS Certified tech and he had no idea how to fix with out a reinstall.............I did a reinstall. If only I had XP , I would have done a restore point..........pretty soon :) :1owned1:
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