Freelancers for hire
I've cut several fan holes in case sides for my cases and I've never used a hole saw like FatCat (don't have one ). I used a Dremel and a knockout plug cutter, which is an electrician tool for cutting certain sized holes in metal electrical boxes. After taking a fan grill of the same size of the fan I'm trying to mount and tracing around it to mark my hole used a 1 1/4" knockout cutter to cut several holes in my circle as close to the edge of the marked circle as I could. Then, I took my Dremel and with cutoff wheels, cut the rest of the metal away carefully to finish the hole off. I then took a drill bit and drilled the fan mounting holes around my blow hole. Just work slow and careful so that you don't cut too far with the cutoff wheel or heat and scorch the paint on your case and you should do fine.