Make Fun of Me Here
Yes, UPS just gave me my cold cathode that I ordered from SVC. It was only like 4 bucks for a cathode + dual converter.
So I popped it in, and I think it looks pretty nice. I'm just gonna buy a non UV reactive window, so I don't have even more of a blue tint [the cathode is blue.]
Anyways, yeah. Whenever I turn on the switch, I hear my 2nd HDD clicking on [I have a 40gb WD and a 30gb Maxtor.] It was kind of screwy before, if I opened up my case and even barley touched the HDD power cable, it would click like that. Any ideas?
So yeah, this is pointless, but I thought I'd share. :O
So I popped it in, and I think it looks pretty nice. I'm just gonna buy a non UV reactive window, so I don't have even more of a blue tint [the cathode is blue.]
Anyways, yeah. Whenever I turn on the switch, I hear my 2nd HDD clicking on [I have a 40gb WD and a 30gb Maxtor.] It was kind of screwy before, if I opened up my case and even barley touched the HDD power cable, it would click like that. Any ideas?
So yeah, this is pointless, but I thought I'd share. :O
I think it's just the 2nd HDD.
And Gnomewizardd: Yes, it's on the same power one. It goes HDD2 -> Fan -> Cold Cathode. [I don't have any more 4 pin connectors from my PSU ]
And NightShade, you seem right about those connecters.
LOL, ya beat me to it!!!!
I don't get it.
Edit - HAHAHA Doh, Now I get it