Yep... Symantec purchased Power Quest. Power Quest had a view really good products, including Partition Magic, but also Deploy Center (Disk Imaging similar to Ghost).
My department uses Deploy Center instead of Ghost.
As for Partition Magic... it rocks. To reduce the failure rate, defrag the hard drive before moving things around and DO NOT interrupt Partition Magic during it's thing. I've seen really bad hard drive take up to 8 hours to do some really tough partitioning.
It's a great program, but beware, don't trust it on sensitive stuff, as it can easily malfunction on you, as did me... a few times.
sidenote/ Did Norton/Symantec buy Partition Magic or the rights? I've seen "Norton Partition Magic 8.0" out now.
Yes..... :shoot:
My department uses Deploy Center instead of Ghost.
As for Partition Magic... it rocks. To reduce the failure rate, defrag the hard drive before moving things around and DO NOT interrupt Partition Magic during it's thing. I've seen really bad hard drive take up to 8 hours to do some really tough partitioning.