I want to upgrade my Dell 3000 on board graphics to either Apollo PCI "BLOODY MONSTER 3 GEFORCE FX 5200" or Leadtek nVidia Geforce 6600 with PCI-express. The only problem is the Dell has only PCI slots (no AGP). Will the card with the PCI express slot work in the existing PCI slot? In addition, considering the slots, how would these cards work with a Dell? Are there any recommendations for an economical video card that will play the newer games, especially Joint Ops games? Thanks. Steve.
A GFX5200 is a low end card already. A PCI version is lower still. It will probably play games from a year ago (excepting Doom3, HalfLife 2, and Far Cry), under LOW QUALITY settings, which will most likely make the game not so fun.
Your best bet is to think about replacing your dell on the cheap. You can build your own computer, that will be able to play modern games, for under $500 if you already have a monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, and optical drives. You will be buying a case, powersupply, processor (maybe, maybe not! what kind of processor does your Dell have?), motherboard, memory, and video card.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Joint Ops is probably not happening on your current box.
So DAD'S got a real video card Now I can clearly see the tech pecking order in your household