I'm back in the game!
Got my 947u and Enermax fan today, and started pushing the settings further. Right now, I'm at 2.347 Ghz, 113x11, vcore = 1.65v.
For some odd reason, if I ever try to get the vcore any higher than 1.65, the system wont post. The 10.5 multi also appears to destabilize the system.
Anyways, the CPU temp is hovering around 42*C!
I'll keep pushing. If anyone has some tips (it's been a while since I was able to push the system harder) please don’t hesitate to clue me in!
I used to be stuck at 2 Ghz, so this is already a huge improvment!
For some odd reason, if I ever try to get the vcore any higher than 1.65, the system wont post. The 10.5 multi also appears to destabilize the system.
Anyways, the CPU temp is hovering around 42*C!
I'll keep pushing. If anyone has some tips (it's been a while since I was able to push the system harder) please don’t hesitate to clue me in!
I used to be stuck at 2 Ghz, so this is already a huge improvment!
Not true, mate!
BIOS 19 can do 10/10.5 at all FSBs I've tried on my new NF7-S.
All right, I'll give this new BIOS a try (I'm using 1.8 right now)
Yeah, 213 is what I meant. Actually, it seems that I cant go any higher than 210 w/o lockups every 30-60 minutes, no matter what vcore. I'll keep trying though.
Actually, I'm at 1.75V right now... it seems the only vcore I cant use is 1.675.
I'll keep plugging though.
EDIT: Tried the 10.5 multi (@ 110). Still didn't work.
good luck man, proceed to pimp-slap that cpu (as long as you're folding with it, otherwise get it OUT OF MY HOUSE)