Electron Microscope III

HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
edited June 2005 in Folding@Home
What is Electron Microscope?
Written by Larry Perry @ em-dc.com

Electron Microscope, EM for short, is a program used to track Stanford’s distributed computing program client called Folding at Home, FAH. It will monitor up to 50 clients and give you the details about each client’s progress as the FAH client runs. EM will also show you what each change in the protein looks like as the process continues. Normally there are 100 Frames per work unit, but sometimes you will see work units with anywhere from 10 frames to 200. To date I have not seen a work unit smaller than 10 or larger than 200 frames. Frame rates vary according to CPU speed. In the FAH world the AMD processor is King of the Hill. I’ve seen an AMD Duron out perform a P4 so if you want the most bang for the money, get AMD processors for the FAH project. Frame rates are variable. They can take from less than a minute each to over an hour per frame. The FAH 3 client uses different "cores" (the heart of the client program and does the actual work). Currently there are 3 different core programs. They are "FahCore_65.exe" the Tinker core, "FahCore_78.exe" the Gromacs core, and the "FahCore_c9.exe" the Genome core. The Tinker and Gromacs cores do folding, and the Genome core can design proteins. EM can monitor all of these cores.
You can download the program from http://www.em-dc.com/

Here's a picture of what it looks like setup; I have 3 pc's configured here.


  • edited April 2005
    This one is a must if you run F@H as a service. The interface is.. interesting so you might find you close the program as soon as you have checked everything is running properly but its well worth the download for any folder.
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Another cool thing is it has a calculator that comes in the package so you can calculate your points per hr, per day & per week for different proteins being folded.
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Could we sticky this thread so it doesn't get lost in the posts. Thnx
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    Could someone sticky this thread with the other stickied threads on top of the forum please. Thank you very much. That way we'll have it there for those that want to DL to monitor their folding machines.
  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    Hawk, I tried the EMIII progie, and love it! I don't have to go out in the garage to check my third pc anymore, and I don't have to bug the wife anymore either! :)
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    Yea, I know. It's great isn't it. I keep track off all 3 of my pc's with it from my office/den and the nice thing is- it has an alarm setting that goes off if something goes wrong with any peticular pc's folding or core.
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