No internet

budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
edited May 2005 in Science & Tech
I am using Verizon...more like Veridiots....a westell 327W modem....

I connected on startup yesterday...then an update unpacking somehting from them started adn internet...nothing...

IPCONFIG gives - media disconnected

I went over to my laptop and had to go into....the modem and do something that made a new connection..(think because he had me hit then pin hole reset button..)...anyway...laptop now on but DT still off....thought wire or hardwired LT and all fine....

SOOOO...its in my DT somewhere and those idots dont know what their stupid package did....

Anyone? The Ethernet device says working Device Manager...

I dont know where turn or do....





  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited May 2005
    well i feel like an idiot...

    Played a little doom3 (XBOX)....and got to thinking...throw another network card in there u idiot....

    An wa - la....lights....took a closer look at the Mobo...when it boots there are lights on the mobo slot...but when i plug the 45 in they dont light up....but when i plug the 45 in the card they i blew the OBNIC....what do you think?

    Is it a call to New Egg?....actually going to refer this to MOBO threads....

    thx all...
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