Here's a few of mine. Most, Ive gone through and added led fans, 12" cold cathode or UV bar lights, tied off all wiring, & added rounded color or UV cables.
The one with the dragon window was my first window & 120mm fan mod.
Office desk finished...
Office Rig 1......
Office Rig 1 Lit up........
Office Rig 1 Lit closeup.....
Office Rig 2
Office Rig 2 closer look at modded window & 120mm fan on top.....
Hey hawk, are those dragons just stick ons? they look like it to me, but just wanted to check because I know you might have engraved the dragons on with a laser.
Yea, Their decals. Got them at the local car parts store. But I do have a mini sandblaster I've been dieing to try out.
Then I saw there's actually a canned sandblaster you can use for window etching now.
How cool is that! Been thinking about doing something on my pc's being they all have these big windows in them.
At school we have some $20 or $25 thousand dollar laser that can etch and cut acylic, and a lot of other things. It's awesome. Maybe next year I will make something off of it for a window, but probably not.
Boy, Could we have some fun etching with one of those huh?
It would look cool to have a lasered statue of liberty down the side panel, right of the window, on the blue box. Think I might try out some of that canned etching if I can still find the product.
yagga, Gnome and I have modded and traded up parts for many yrs. We're pc buildin buddys. We always check each others stockpile before buying. lol Although I'm a little ahead of him on some stockpile stuff now. Never thought I'd see that day Gnome. Of course, Your using all your stockpile to build pc's for others. Hehehe, Like me when I need a part or two.
Thnx Zun! I like playin around with adding eyecandy to the pc's and just making them cleaner looking by tieing off cables and replacing flat cables with rounded, puttin in a little color when I can. Gnomes done quite a bit on his different rigs. I think some of his sleeving work was my favorite thing to see done. That said, I really like some of the new mobo's with all the brilliant colors on the boards, slots, plugs etc. The manufaturers are actually listening to the home pc builders, modders, and adding colors, style, etc. It's getting exciting again.
Nice, nice, nice, ZUN! Tell us how you stealthed your DVD.
The green leds added just the right touch on the door.
I've got a 3 1/2 fan controller on the wifeys similar to that one.
Love the Tribal Sun grills.
Really cool to see the clean machine look. All that brushed aluminum.
I see most of your cabling is sleeved too. Gives it that final polished off look.
Very pretty rig man. I likey.
Nice, nice, nice, ZUN! Tell us how you stealthed your DVD.
The green leds added just the right touch on the door.
I've got a 3 1/2 fan controller on the wifeys similar to that one.
Love the Tribal Sun grills.
Really cool to see the clean machine look. All that brushed aluminum.
I see most of your cabling is sleeved too. Gives it that final polished off look.
Very pretty rig man. I likey.
Thank you very much Hawk. I try really hard to keep it clean, with the fan and temp prob wires it is a pain, I'll get some more pics and such to explain the stealthing. It was easy and cheap, just the way I like it!
i like that behemith heatsink, and is that a tv tuner card i spot?
Thank you and yes, it's a Leadtek Winfast PVR 2000 expert & I love it. I have a couch just across fom the pc in the bonus room, it comes w/ a remote so if i want to watch tv or a recorded program I can be comfy.
The one with the dragon window was my first window & 120mm fan mod.
Office desk finished...
Office Rig 1......
Office Rig 1 Lit up........
Office Rig 1 Lit closeup.....
Office Rig 2
Office Rig 2 closer look at modded window & 120mm fan on top.....
Office Rig 2 Modded Window........
Living Room Rig............
Living Room Rig closeup..........
Wifeys Rig................
Wifeys Rig pretty lights..........
Wifeys Rig.......She likes green........
Then I saw there's actually a canned sandblaster you can use for window etching now.
How cool is that! Been thinking about doing something on my pc's being they all have these big windows in them.
It would look cool to have a lasered statue of liberty down the side panel, right of the window, on the blue box. Think I might try out some of that canned etching if I can still find the product.
Now that's what I talkin about!!!!!
Thnx Zun! I like playin around with adding eyecandy to the pc's and just making them cleaner looking by tieing off cables and replacing flat cables with rounded, puttin in a little color when I can. Gnomes done quite a bit on his different rigs. I think some of his sleeving work was my favorite thing to see done. That said, I really like some of the new mobo's with all the brilliant colors on the boards, slots, plugs etc. The manufaturers are actually listening to the home pc builders, modders, and adding colors, style, etc. It's getting exciting again.
Various pics show the PSU sleeving and the fan sleeving and the led fans. UV SATA cables and cold cathods top and bottom.
1. I cut/milled out the extra material in the grill for more airflow, and added the two green leds.
2. Top: an 80mm blowhole at the . wanted a 120mm, but can't find the grill of my choice in that size.
3. Front: added fan contoller and temp monitor, Stealthed the DVD burner, and the little fan controller turns my "green led box" on/up/down.
4. Back: fan grill and cool thumb screws
5. "green led box"
6. Graphics card fan upgraded (had to the other one fried)
7. Just a nice overall pic.
The green leds added just the right touch on the door.
I've got a 3 1/2 fan controller on the wifeys similar to that one.
Love the Tribal Sun grills.
Really cool to see the clean machine look. All that brushed aluminum.
I see most of your cabling is sleeved too. Gives it that final polished off look.
Very pretty rig man. I likey.
Thank you and yes, it's a Leadtek Winfast PVR 2000 expert & I love it. I have a couch just across fom the pc in the bonus room, it comes w/ a remote so if i want to watch tv or a recorded program I can be comfy.