S. Jersey
Its possible a electrical storm 2 weeks ago may have "upset" a serial ATA drive. It is the only drive in this computer and running XP Pro. It also has a TON of digital pictures I despritly need. If I were to buy another drive and install XP on the new drive, can I set the old drive as a slave? I hear it spinning up when its turned on.
You may be able to just do a repair install on that drive and keep going? There is more of a chance that a power outage to a computer is just going to corrupt data then actually physically destroy the drive. This is especially true during an electrical storm if your computer gets turned on and off a few times from power failures.
With a 3ghz Intell Cpu, 1 stick of 512mb of DDR400 . it should scream on bootup :help:
You have multiple options of getting files off the drive or actually trying to rebuild and repair it so you can get it to boot up.
Could be shot. But turn of SMART in the bios and see if it works.