Could a bad video card slowdown.....
Could a bad video card slow down the bootup process? It is an ATI All In Wonder and performs otherwise fine. The computer MAY have had voltage spike thru either the phone line, cable, or power. I did replace the Mobo and installed Win2K pro the see haow everything esle was working before reinstalling Win XP Pro. With 512mb of pc400, a 3ghz intell cpu, I feel windows should bootup in nothing flat, under 30 seconds. This one now sems to take a minite or more and sometimes doesnt even see the Hard drive. I have to reboot, look at the bios, see it there then it will boot into windows. But the Hard drive is new too and only original thing left is video card
Now that I think of it, ASUS said it could be the old drive. Now I recall I disregarded my cardnal rule of FDISKING. I didnt do a Fdisk /mbr But I'm not going back just find out if that was the cause