Well what sort of problem are you having? When you use nero you have to specify in the tab whether you are burning to cd or dvd. Also if you have multiple burners you have to tell it which one you are using in another tab.
Are you getting errors or is it copying correctly but then you can't read the disk?
You must be going to the wrong folder or making the wrong type of disk. If you tell it to do an mp3 disk it'll only put mp3's on it for example. If you want to do just random data you have to tell it that it's a data disk. Then go through the add folder/files menu and it'll pull up what you are looking for.
i think i got it figured out.... its just that the pic are on the hdd already but i am having to copy them to the hdd again to another folder as a diff. file type is this correct?
no you aren't copying them from one folder on the hdd to another. What you are doing when burning a disk is that you are making a project. The project is just an index of all the files that will be put onto that disk. When the program goes to make the disk it goes to all the spots on the hdd that the index refrences and grabs the files for the disk.
Are you getting errors or is it copying correctly but then you can't read the disk?