I'm not around all that much any more but there is no reason to get another version, it costs me like $35 a year to keep the subscription going which doesn't bother me at all.
I'd just put games as a board under the Software Category. I'd think that Spy/Anti-virus shoudl be renamed but I'm stumped. Somthing that means bascially Utils for keeping your computer running, so things like spy/viri/ad/recovery/cleaning etc...
The separate virus/security section is something to consider methinks.
Most likely everything wont be migrated over today... almost everything is functional on the new server (proof of concept I guess!), but since icrontic will get a makeover in the following months, I figure there's no point exerting additional effort trying to get the damn vb template 100% as it is now.
If you want to go cheapass, it's like $85 for a 1-year leased license. $160 for an owned license.
This will be like, the third time Icrontic has had to buy a vBulletin license. :firemat:
thanks alot phil, we really appreciate it
got vb running on the new server and migrated some of the data. gonna try to get everything moved over today and the forums moved around.
and then before the end of the year give icrontic a new "reform"
Here's how I think the new forums should be (taking cues from Zuntar and Gnomewizard in other threads):
- General Hardware
- Overclocking, Cooling, Cases & Mods
- Networking
- General Software
- OS (MS and *nix)
- Spyware / Anti-Virus (???)
- Downloads & Utilities
- PC & Console
- Distributed Computing F@H
same as current design
Security, Spyware, and Viruses
- All things related to PC security, spyware, and virus threats
i lean towards having Games forum separate, something like:
Gaming Corner
- Games
- PC and Console
The separate virus/security section is something to consider methinks.
Most likely everything wont be migrated over today... almost everything is functional on the new server (proof of concept I guess!), but since icrontic will get a makeover in the following months, I figure there's no point exerting additional effort trying to get the damn vb template 100% as it is now.
(LIN's corner All LIN all the time!):fishslap:
Changed the forum layout. I was getting sick of the vertical layout too.
Thanks! I'm happy now. No more complaints from me
Off for you LIN.
Whoa whoa, let's keep it clean. :kaka:
im going to need a few people to post news, blogs, articles, interesting reads etc...
everyone is coming and posting that Icrontic needs more content , more activity etc... well, this is your chance to help.
send me a PM if your interested... thanks everyone
lets see how it goes
contact me if your interested.. thank you