My school.

edited October 2005 in Folding@Home
My school has over 1000 computers that are on 24/7/365.

I am working on getting at least 3 computer labs running folding at home.

My school has 3000 kids, trying to get 10% running FAH.

and also... my schools name is the Bronx High School of Science.


  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    OMFG!!! w00t!

  • edited October 2005
    Whatever you do make sure you get permission first. There are way too many stories of kids ruining their educations for this kind of thing.
  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    I fold for team Hack-a-Day.

    Fastest growing team out there right now.
    What team are these school comps going to be folding for sir if I may ask?

    *Zuntar puts fingers together.
  • edited October 2005
    Team Hack-A-Day

    Which I am on. :P

    And iIam going to get permission considering that the admins KNOW what they are doing, I can't even RUN an exe as a student. These admins are good: you can't access a website by typing

    If you enter that to IE, they will say resource disallowed.

    Gotta enter or just!

    Anyway, after that I will try to let it run for a few weeks and then let them decide if they want to install it on other computers. (Head of computer admin department was the head of the bio department a few years ago big plus for me!:P)

    Also, after that I'm going on my firefox quest!
  • edited October 2005
    Ok, could you guys helpme write an email?
    I need to explain why it is secure.

    (They are paranoid about trojan horses coming in)
    What it does.
    What exactly the program does.

    How it works.

    Why they should run it.

    And an easy way to install it across 1000+ computers that are networked.
  • edited October 2005
    Give them a link to the project page.
  • edited October 2005
    Yeah... that wouldn't work.

    I have ONE shot. I asked a few other teachers about Mr. Kalin and they said he will read ONE and ONLY one email from every student in the school.

    So, I got ONE shot.
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