How to change hard disk in Samsung X10 laptop

JLamyJLamy UK
edited October 2005 in Hardware
In the laptop's manual, it states;
Installing/Reinstalling a HDD
To install a new HDD you should contact a Service Centre, replacement of the HDD is
not a user task. You should follow the instructions below before the HDD is replaced.
• Back up data files of your old hard drive.
• For system boot with CD-ROM, under the Boot menu in System setup, set
Bootable CD Check to Enabled and set Boot Device Priority is ordered starting
from the [DVD/CD-ROM].
When you are ready to install the new HDD, use the Recovery CD-ROM to install the
device driver.

So, is it really that hard to change the hard disk in this particular laptop then? Cos I see a flap with HDD imprint, and 2 screws, and I'm guessing its just a matter of unscrew to remove flap, then unscrew the HDD from the laptop chasis, unplug IDE cable.


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2005
    Yup basically that's it only there is no ide or power cables. There may be an ide adapter though depending on how the hdd plugs in. There is also usually an enclusre that the HDD is screwed into that holds it snuggly in place. However regardless of how they put it in it all comes apart pretty easily, just pay attention to how the old one comes out and you should have no issues putting the new one in. The whole service centre is just to cover their asses so they don't have every computer illiterate person in the world trying to change the HDD using a hammer and a chissel.
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