AOL smtp
I'm trying to set up a Outlook mail addy to receive mail from a POP3 web site. The user has AOL as an ISP. We are having trouble setting up the smtp on AOL and AOL is of no help.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
How to configure an AOL e-mail account in Outlook Express;EN-US;883081
what do you mean it doesnt work, are you getting an error message when sending mail out? are u able to recieve mail?
if you telnet to at port 25, does it answer for you?
When setting up Outlook to use incoming server.... and trying to send mail thru AOL smtp the mail does not go. (port 587)
"Do not try and use the AOL SMTP server with a non-AOL account. AOL's SMTP server requires you to use your AOL.COM email address.
The AOL SMTP Proxy can be avoided altogether if you have access to an SMTP server that works on a port other than 25. Those experiencing difficulties with AOL's SMTP Proxy can try contacting their providers to request an alternate port. Web access to your mail account is another option.
This may be the answer to the problem.
Their web site has smtp outgoing mail server but that doesn't work either.
im testing all this by cmd line,
im not sure how AOL's smtp service works, are they restricting by IP address?
if not, i should be able to send an email out when i do
im still searching.
Thanks a lot for trying.