Shameless Request To make me an Icon!!

MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
edited November 2003 in Science & Tech

If someone reading this is savvy in Icon making, can they please convert rocker.gif:


Into rocker.ani and upload it for me/others??



  • edited November 2003
    I'm curious to know what you want to use it for.

    EDIT: Just do some searches at for "animated" and "icon". You should get something that can convert a .gif to a .ico.

    EDIT again: This says it can do it.
  • MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
    edited November 2003
    I'm curious to know what you want to use it for.

    I like .ani cursors for "busy" and working in background. This way if there is a system freeze I know a few seconds sooner than later.

    I also think that it's cool for a DAW

    Thanks for the link!!
  • edited November 2003
    This should do it.
  • MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
    edited November 2003

    Thanks alot but the cursor didn't take. It moves in file properties and in the pointers menu. But after putting it into system it just freezes. I did a little research and I found that .ani cursor have to be:
    32 x32, 16 colors/depth:4
    Your version is:
    52 x 40 true color/depth: 24

    It's possible that your .gif to .ani converter can do this? I don't have converter software as I'm using freeware IconShop:

    Thanks any way:thumbsup:
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